Seems the end game of the push for more and more sexual rights is the outlawing of Christian morality.
Related link: Thousands of homeschoolers, Christians rally against Alberta Education Act over freedom concerns ~ LifeSiteNews
The focal point of the protest is the possibility that home and private schools that teach the precepts of their faith could be prosecuted by human rights tribunals for “hate crimes” under the Alberta Human Rights Act (AHRA). The AHRA has been used in the past to prosecute conservatives and Christians, most notably pastor Steve Boissoin, who was found “guilty” by a tribunal of “hate speech” against homosexuals after he published a letter to the editor in a local newspaper. That conviction was subsequently overturned by the court system.
Related link: Thousands of homeschoolers, Christians rally against Alberta Education Act over freedom concerns ~ LifeSiteNews
This is very rediculous to make it a crime for one to practice their religious beliefs or freedom of speech. Those who belief the Holy Bible is God's preserved word in the King James Version must also belief that all that do such things are abomination to the Lord thy God. In order to please God and live a Holy life a true believer on the Lord Jesus Christ must also speak out on that which is sinful in their book. Just as much as giving out that God loved all mankind enough to send his Son to die for their sins on the cross,be buried,and rise from the dead the third day,he was seen of men,and went back up to heaven. His sinless blood was shed as the full atonement for our sins against God our creator. So I hope Canada and any other country going this way will change their laws to righteous judgment and not go by minorities who would keep Christians from their religious views. Sincerely ; HolyBible dot com and fbnradio dot com. Sincerely ;