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Real commitment there - not.

"We weren't going to get married at all, we were just going to live in sin for the rest of our lives."

National MP Tau Henare was married to his partner yesterday in Parliament so that they could both travel to Egypt and Uganda and presumably not have issues with checking into hotels under different names. He made no effort to display his desire to commit to his new wife, and instead talked about how they were originally going to "live in sin" until this problem came up. So, what they are doing is taking their relationship with whatever levels of commitment they have now, and applying a piece of paper to it.

I wish them all the best, however they should know the divorce rate for cohabiting couples who marry is 80%.

Related link: Tau-tally devoted: MP's quick 'I do' ~ Stuff


  1. Marriage has been rendered totally meaningless by our elites.

    The price will be paid, and it will be high, by our children

  2. Bit of a mockery. I got married a month ago. It was a very meaningful day. Filled with reflection on the commitment made, it's purpose, etc.

    The first thing we did as a married couple was Communion. We also had both our sets of (still married) parents pray at the alter.

    We also waited...

  3. Hi Jeremy,

    Congratulations on your wedding! Glad to hear you did many of the fundamentals to a good marriage, right!

  4. What the hell are the "fundamentals" of a good marriage anyway?

    I have 'lived in sin' for over twelve years now, neither of us has ever felt the need to marry.

    It makes no difference at all to ones relationship.

  5. Big Bruv,

    Having lived both ways myself, I can tell you there is a difference. It's a pretty, big one.

    Not quite ready to explain it yet.

  6. I have also lived both ways.

    I can assure you that there is no bloody difference at all.

    In fact it saves you a fortune and you go without what is in most cases a tedious and meaningless day.

  7. Interesting.

    Maybe the added extra difference whether Christ is involved or not.

  8. Given that 'Christ' is never involved with any weeding I fail to see the relevance.

    I think what you may be driving at is the middle eastern superstition that some people follow being a part of the ceremony, those who choose to believe in the sky fairy might see added value in the day.

    For me the first time around was nothing more than appeasing the members of her family who suffered sky fairy delusions, I even had to go and meet a bloody priest.

    Still, I did all that in an effort to appease the waring factions, I even made a deal with the priest which on the day he reneged on (normal behaviour for the Catholic church)

  9. Given that 'Christ' is never involved with any weeding I fail to see the relevance.

    I think what you may be driving at is the middle eastern superstition that some people follow being a part of the ceremony, those who choose to believe in the sky fairy might see added value in the day.

    For me the first time around was nothing more than appeasing the members of her family who suffered sky fairy delusions, I even had to go and meet a bloody priest.

    Still, I did all that in an effort to appease the waring factions, I even made a deal with the priest which on the day he reneged on (normal behaviour for the Catholic church)


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