The ACT Party is becoming more repulsive by the minute. In particular the move to relieve Rodney Hyde of his Ministerial portfolios is particularly repellent. Every single ACT MP, with the exception of one, is not there because they were able to win a seat on their own merits. Rather they owe their place in Parliament due to the arcane rules of our system of MMP and rode into Parliament on Rodney Hide's coat tails. The owe their place at the trough seat to Rodney Hide's winning of Epsom. And now to further their own ambition they have dumped on him in a most unseemly fashion. What this pitiful bunch don't get is there is a lot more to running a country than just economics. It's important for sure but it's not the be all and end all. Not that I trust this bunch of clowns to get the economics right, given their current behavior I wouldn't trust them with anything. If I were John Key I'd put as much distance as possible between National and ACT as I...