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We can do it

Prague, April 2009 and Barack H. Obama has in one fell swoop "changed the nuclear rules". Well he may have but only if you are a Guardian headline reader.

Although by all accounts TOTUS through its mouthpiece POTUS gave a mighty fine account of itself in Prague and promised a nuclear free world at some future juncture (date to be announced) and this bought great acclaim from the assembled multitudes. And not only the Czechs were affected, the reporters were as well. According to BBC reporter Justin Webb one collegue was so overcome that she gushed "Oh God I got so close - I actually touched him." That would be Barack Obama she is referring to, not the teleprompter, just to remove any hint of ambiguity.

Meantime as the gush-a-thon over Obama's European Odyssey continued Kim Jong-il decided to lob a missile over Japan. In case you didn't know, Kim Jong-il is a multi talented individual. Amongst his many accomplishements are the 11 holes-in-one scored during the first round of golf he ever played. His success with the ladies is also legendary although a BBC reporterette has yet to give a quivering account of his bedroom antics. Probably because his conquests thus far have been confined to women drawn from the masses of starving North korean peasantry.

So where does this leave us? Clearly for Obamas vision to come to fruition he has to get Kim jong-Il on board, along with Iran's, President Amadinejad and I suspect that these two may prove easier to convince than Obama's so called allies.

Because who really believes that France or England will fall under Obama's rhetorical spell to the extent they will forego their nuclear arsenals? That seems less likely than Kim Jong-ils eleven holes in one.

Still we can talk about it until a new weapon system that renders Nukes obsolete comes along by which time the whole issue will have become irrelevant.


  1. Obama's rhetoric is all very interesting at a time when North Korea are flexing muscles, Iran is committed to nuclear capability and Poland wants patriot missiles installed for defence.


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