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March 2009 Statistics [Updated 3/4/09]

Page Loads 8,354
Average per day - 269

Unique Visitors : 5,263
Average per day - 170

Posts : 49
Comments : 351
Most comments for one post: 59

Technorati Authority : 47
Alexa Ranking : 392,555

Here's my calculation for the NZ Blogosphere Statistics based on the following formula:
TRAFFIC (Average daily unique visits)
+ INCOMING LINKS (Technorati "Authority")
+ POSTS (Average posts per week, viz: Total posts for month ÷ number of days in month x 7.)
+ COMMENTS (Average highest commented post per week, viz: Total four posts with the most comments for the month ÷ 4. )


170 (Unique visitor traffic from Statcounter for March 09)
+ 47 (Technorati Authority as at 1/4/09)
+ 11 (Posts: 49/31*7)
+ 37 (Comments: (59+34+26+28) /4)*
= 265

Should get us back into the low 20s.

* 3rd number updated on 3/4/09 from 16 to 26, as rather just being the most commented upon post for the week, the 4 largest commented posts are used. Only makes a difference of +3 to our overall score, however.


  1. This beats waiting til the end of April!

    MandM for March:

    Page Loads 6,530
    Average per day - 211

    Unique Visitors : 3,990
    Average per day - 129

    Posts : 48
    Comments : 297
    Most comments for one post: 54

    Technorati Authority : 54
    Alexa Ranking : 450,410

    Here's my calculation for the NZ Blogosphere Statistics based on the following formula:

    TRAFFIC (Average daily unique visits)
    + INCOMING LINKS (Technorati "Authority")
    + POSTS (Average posts per week, viz: Total posts for month ÷ number of days in month x 7.)
    + COMMENTS (Average highest commented post per week, viz: Total four posts with the most comments for the month ÷ 4. )

    129 (Unique visitor traffic from Statcounter for March 09)
    + 54 (Technorati Authority as at 1/4/09)
    + 11 (Posts: 49/31*7)
    + 35 (Comments: (54+45+22+18) /4)
    = 229

    Should get us into the high 20's.

  2. I agree. The Alexa rankings are useful in a cursory way, but their influence in any blog rankings for NZ sized blogs probably need to be reduced much further than the case is now. Perhaps disregarded entirely.

    Half Done offers different methods for calculation, which obviously produce different results.

    I'm not sure what a good ranking method is, as the variables involved in what makes a good blog a popular blog (and they are two different things) are many.

    In the end, I think we all need to take the ranking thing as a bit of a very rough guide, rather than any definitive scorecard. There are many great blogs I'd hate to see disappear just because they don't get high traffic.

  3. The trick is to simply ignore the rankings, and just do our thing. :-)

  4. No one blogs just to climb rankings. Every single blog began with zero links and no readers yet still we blogged...

    Stats and rankings are interesting is all.

  5. There is too much of comparing apples with oranges.

    Blogs with single authors against blogs with an assortment of contributors- two quite different operations.

    And lets not get started about professionally run and funded blogs...

  6. Fair point Oswald.

    Maybe have rankings for both categories, if we are going to have rankings at all?

    As for professionally run and funded blogs, I think they err, lower the standard :-)

  7. Great stuff, I might just have beaten you guys last month ;) since my unique daily visitor number was 227. Technorati 31, averag posts 11, comments value 9.

    = 278


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