Well, it had to happen sooner or later: Garth George is leaving the NZ Herald. His last column is today, and he says-
The editors decided back in October that this column does not fit in with their future plans for the opinion pages. And while I shall miss penning my weekly opinions, and have to adapt to a painful drop in income, I hold no rancour.One can only wonder who the Herald intends in their "future plans" for opinion columnists. Perhaps someone like Pam Corkery or her ilk?
It will be sad to see George go. He is a conservative and a Catholic, and as such perhaps didn't fit in with the liberal opinions and tastes of those who helm the Herald. I didn't always agree with everything he wrote, but I did so more often than not.
He will continue to write his columns for in the Bay of Plenty Times in Tauranga, and the Daily Post in Roturua.
It's interesting to read that he is actually a Member of the New Zealand order of Merit (see photo above)