Well no kidding Trev.
We get this sort of thing on a regular basis now - like women approaching forty and wondering why they cannot find a suitable mate - As in this
Today I am 39, with too many ex-boyfriends to count and, I am told, two grim-seeming options to face down: either stay single or settle for a "good enough" mate. At this point, certainly, falling in love and getting married may be less a matter of choice than a stroke of wild great luck.
A decade ago, luck didn't even cross my mind. I'd been in love before, and I'd be in love again. This wasn't hubris so much as naivety; I'd had serious, long-term boyfriends since my freshman year of high school, and simply couldn't envision my life any differently.
A reality check too late perhaps - people do not stay young forever, lady you made your bed and quite frankly at thirty nine who'd want you - you've been around the block a few times and you aint no fairy tale princess.
I've got a son, as you may know, and I wonder who he will marry. Right now it's not on his agenda - I think it should be but it isn't.
But be that as it may, he is surrounded by a bunch of self absorbed scatty females - some of whom are barbaric creatures covered in tattoos and facial piercings, slut marchers etc and many of whom wouldn't think twice about murdering an unborn infant if it stood in the way of their "self fulfillment". There are to be fair some exceptions, real gems hidden in a box of paste jewelry. May he find such a one.
But "self fulfillment" for many, in the fullness of time, will be revealed to have been elusive.Probably about the time of their fortieth birthday - and that is a real tragedy.
Well, put yourself in the womans shoes?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is worth marrying out there today?
Very damn few. A whole damn generation (or two) quaffing the poisonous elixir of cultural Marxism, an outcome that has as its design the destruction of marriage and the nuclear families.
(and all of these stupid indoctrinated wimmin think its about "liberation"... pfffft..)
Which means the above question can be equally as well asked by the males.
One thing about the pre-WWII generation is that they attempted to preserve the freedoms they had, and pass them down to their children.
Later generations have done nothing.
Our freedoms have been chipped away at for decades,and its all down to the baby boomers, a group of self indulgent liberal/ progressive drop kicks who are responsible for raising probably the worst generation of children ever, and for simultaneously letting so many of our liberties slip away.
Red this post is in reaction to the plethora of female authored "modern men are no good" stories that appear in the media.
ReplyDeleteBut the modern miss is not particularly attractive proposition.
Getting married was a rite of passage into adulthood for both genders and the value of children was a given.
Any society which keeps its people in perpetual adolescence and doesn't value children is doomed. Which is where we are.
What is on offer for young men today? - Really what is there to inspire them into growing up?
C8th BC: "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint."
ReplyDeleteC13th AD: "The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress."
C21st AD: "One thing about the pre-WWII generation is that they attempted to preserve the freedoms they had, and pass them down to their children.
Later generations have done nothing.
Our freedoms have been chipped away at for decades,and its all down to the baby boomers, a group of self indulgent liberal/ progressive drop kicks who are responsible for raising probably the worst generation of children ever, and for simultaneously letting so many of our liberties slip away."
People sure could write a lot better in earlier times...
Funnily enough PM, that second quote is attributed to Socrates who was born at the height of the Athenian golden age and which came to an end shortly before his demise when the Athenians were knocked over by the Spartans.
ReplyDeleteOf course the Spartans culture itself fell over not long after that and the dominant force in the Hellenic world thereafter were the Macedonians - rough and ready as they may have been.
ReplyDeleteAlso goes to show that this debasement of youth is something that comes up time and time and time again. And it gets cleaned up, and then the cycle starts all over again.
That WWII generation was different, but the next generation, the Boomers, were influenced by the sexual revolution and then everything went downhill again.
Well, yes - the young adults of the 30s and 40s gave us totalitarianism, mass murder on an industrial scale and the biggest war in the history of the world, which would be a pretty hard act to follow. But even if the yoof of today could top that, would we actually want them to?
ReplyDeleteWell, yes - the young adults of the 30s and 40s gave us totalitarianism, mass murder on an industrial scale and the biggest war in the history of the world, which would be a pretty hard act to follow.
ReplyDeleteAndrei shakes his head in disbelief and utter amazement
No- in this world there is evil, an unfashionable concept in these enlightened times I know.
And if evil isn't contained it spreads its tentacles.
And in the Thirties the ruling elite closed their eyes for a while and hoped it would go away but it didn't and the tanks rolled across borders and much human misery resulted.
But the people rallied and the invaders were eventually driven back and beaten and evil was defeated at great cost and sacrifice.
Then those who had survived the great horrors of those times married and had lots of children and prayed that their children wouldn't undergo what they had undergone.
But those children born into a world of peace and prosperity and not knowing want became self absorbed, addled their brains with drugs and squandered the legacy they had inherited in hedonistic pursuits believing the world owed them and it was their right to do whatever they wanted.
But evil waits to pounce again and it will.
Brilliantly articulated Andrei. Top marks.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately though, Guardian readers remain in a state where logic and reality-based calculating powers are usurped by feel-good delusions and fantasy-driven denial.
Ain't peace a bitch? No great causes to fight for and whatnot...
ReplyDeleteExcept, it was having great causes to fight for that led earlier yoofs to totalitarianism, industrial mass murder and total war, so all-in-all the people interested only in their own entertainment are a lot better for everyone else on the planet.
Are you serious Milt?
ReplyDeletePeace is not a human right, it is something that takes effort to maintain, and it is not a natural state of affairs.
We have in our society today an epidemic of child abuse - in the days when 95% of the people were married this did not happen
Gang culture is another symptom - males who do not have a stake in our society (ie a woman and children to nurture) form their own society, a degraded warrior society.
Men without women tend to violence, men with women are violent only when their women are threatened.
This is inbuilt PM
"We" don't have an epidemic of child abuse. The underclass we've foolishly put decades of money and effort into developing has a child abuse problem, but that says nothing about the general population.
ReplyDeleteSame with the gangs. In earlier times we did a good job of sending our thicker and more aggressive men off to play kill or be killed with foreigners, which had the benefits of reducing the aggressive thicko population while seeing that their inclinations for rape and murder were taken out on foreigners rather than the domestic population. These days we don't send them off to kill foreigners so have to put up with their anti-social activities here at home, but gang violence isn't an issue in the general population. Peace has its downsides just like everything else.
See what I mean? Milt casually sullies the name of everyone who ever went away to war as a rapist or a murderer.
ReplyDeleteThese people have no honour, no appreciation of history, no decency and no brains.
Marxists are just the most vile despicable scum.
I don't think Milt is a Marxist Red and I know he's not despicable.
ReplyDeleteBut he has gone off the deep end on this thread.
Perhaps he's beginning to realize the age of Aquarius is never going dawn - and he's fighting off that epiphany
"..In earlier times we did a good job of sending our thicker and more aggressive men off to play kill or be killed with foreigners, which had the benefits of reducing the aggressive thicko population while seeing that their inclinations for rape and murder were taken out on foreigners rather than the domestic population."
ReplyDeleteIf by "we" you are referring to the Maori battalion and other NZ units, you appear to have access to information denied historians. They've completely missed NZ soldier's record of rape and murder.
Redbaiter is right--you are despicable. I've cleaned more wholesome stuff off the soles of my (army) boots than you.
"We" as in "homo sapiens," which everyone on the thread is, I presume (with the possible exception of Reggie, if his gravatar is a recent photo). I suppose that isn't clear, since I'd used "we" in a much more specific sense in the previous paragraph. And I suppose it is possible that historians haven't picked up on NZ personnel mentioning killing people they didn't have to kill, or how they could fuck local women for a pack of cigarettes, but then they probably don't want gentlemen like yourself wiping bits of historian off their boots.
ReplyDeletePerhaps he's beginning to realise the age of Aquarious is never going to dawn..."
Now that's harsh - I can't stand hippies. However, I agree that some are peddling a wholly imaginary and unrealistic golden age on this thread - I just don't think I'm among them.
You know Milt you are close to being offensive
ReplyDeleteQuestion: where did these unnecessary killings take place?
Question: where did NZ personnel buy local women for a pack of cigarettes?
Who were the personnel who mentioned this?
Truth mate is that WW2 was a war of total barbarity and savagery where human decency fled but this was far more true in the Eastern theater than the West and while bad things happened in the West absolute and unforgivable horrors occurred in the east - things you have no comprehension about - Auschwitz being an exception but even when that was revealed nobody believed it at first - they thought the Russians were exaggerating.
We are talking evil here, unadulterated evil.
It was confronted and some Kiwis helped do the confronting - don't trash them or try and diminish them for that - it is not right
I realise conservatives are offended when anyone suggests their country's armed forces are made up of human beings rather than idealised caricatures, but that doesn't alter the fact.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't diminish the struggle against the totalitarian systems at all, it's something we can all be grateful for. However, if Lucia Maria and Redbaiter are going to claim some kind of qualitative superiority for the people of that time over the people of ours, they need to take all the people of that time into account.
Milt, you don't "realise" anything, and I doubt you ever will.
ReplyDeleteYou're light years away from ever getting it, which is why there's no point in trying with such as you.
The real task is to drag the compromised right back to the straight and narrow.
The hard left are a lost cause.
I realise conservatives are offended when anyone suggests their country's armed forces are made up of human beings rather than idealised caricatures
ReplyDeleteMilt, there are no rose tinted spectacles on me about the nature of mankind.
I can tell you that the Americans hanged about 200 of their own in the European theater for crimes against civilians such as rape.
I can tell you outraged British soldiers at Belsen massacred 50 odd Hungarian conscripts, unaware that the real guards of that place had been allowed to slip away and that the German authorities had cynically replaced them with the Hungarian conscripts to be the recipients of the tommys wrath
And a lot more besides - but does this detract from the fact that the vast majority of those who fought were decent, honourable and brave men who found themselves, through no fault of their own, in a world that had sunk into barbarity and did not respond by becoming barbarians themselves